Friday, April 25, 2008

Vampire Weekend

I'd heard of them but never heard them when R.Queeds inquired, via mass email, about Vampire Weekend two weeks ago.  Especially as the email contained a dig on my musical taste, Queeds piqued my curiosity.  I've since acquired their debut album, seen them on SNL, and most recently seen their performance on Jimmy Kimmel (if you like the first song keep watching because there's a second song after Kimmel closes).  A Paul Simon influence jumps out immediately.  Perhaps, more accurately, it's an African influence.  Truthfully, I'm still not sold on these guys but the Kimmel performance is worth watching if you're remotely curious.  Always good to see the Krenshaw High School Drumline.    

Curious still, the band's Wikipedia entry references their musical and sartorial influences, each resulting only further confusion.  They've supposedly never heard of Paul Simon.  Are we supposed to believe that?  Even if they claim not to have been influenced by Simon, who plays African tinged pop songs that hasn't heard of Paul Simon?  Seriously.  They can call me Al.  Also, with regard to their attire, "The members of Vampire Weekend wear Preppy styled clothing to emphasize their self-described 'Pro-Fraternity Date Rape' agenda".  I get it.  But I don't get it.  


Anonymous said...

these guys blow.


Anonymous said...

I love Vampire Weekend! Rejoice!
-hipster faggot #20098769