Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama has again denounced statements made by the Reverend Jeremiah Wright, citing Wright's insights into the origin and spread of AIDS, his enlightened take on 9/11, and his aggrandizing of Sweet Lou Farrakhan specifically.  Admittedly pretty crazy. So how long must he continue to waste time addressing this stuff?  For the foreseeable future, unfortunately.

If there's one thing that would send the working-class whites that the Obama campaign is currently wooing running the other way, it's an angry black man.   What better way for Hillary to desperately cling to her chance for nomination, or for republicans to proactively denigrate the man they perceive to be their biggest threat in the approaching presidential campaign? 

Elsewhere in inexplicably relevant morons, we have the chronically incomprehensible Al Sharpton.  In the wake of the Sean Bell verdict and calls from Obama for understanding, reason, and non-violence, Al Sharpton accused him of pandering to white people.  What the hell was Sharpton looking for?  A call to arms from a presidential candidate?  Good thing he's not running anyone's campaign.   Maybe he should consider running himself?? 

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