Tuesday, May 01, 2007


I live at the top of a hill in Charlestown. From my bedroom window I can see a bit of the financial district off to the left and over through the Back Bay to the Prudential Tower and Cambridge to the right.

Last night I woke up to numerous loud popping sounds. Whether or not they sounded like gunshots, I cannot really say. I never completely woke up. Even if I had, I'm not sure I am capable of definitively identifying the sound of a gun being fired. Mussolini is sure we woke up to the sounds of gunfire, however, and was subsequently unable to fall back asleep. Hence, her cranky disposition this morning (I'm still waiting for an explanation of every other morning).

Usually, noises in the night wake me up only momentarily before I roll over and fall back to sleep. This time, however, the loud popping sounds were followed by an approaching chopper (it was too loud to just be a pussy hellicopter). Suddenly it sounded like it was directly overhead. Mussolini threw back the sheets and climbed over me to get to the window.

"Holy shit!"

"What?" I asked as I sat up to have a look see.

Really low; so low that it seemed like we were looking straight ahead out the window, instead of looking up, there was a chopper hovering over Charlestown, seemingly no more than a few blocks away. Red and blue lights flashing, it hovered there for at least a half hour.

I've been looking at Boston.com for an inkling as to what transpired last night in the shadows. The criminal underbelly no doubt played a role. So far, nothing.


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