Sunday, August 23, 2009


I need to acquire some Dan Deacon. To be frank, I find some of his ultra-wanna-be-rogue-indie antics off-putting, but the score to this snippet -- which details his vegetable oil tour bus -- has convinced me beyond the shadow of a doubt that I need his music. Awesome tour bus too. And it is hilarious when he talks about it being too dirty for Canadian border control. Every time I hear something about Canada, I laugh, or at least furrow my brow and stare off into space.

If you've never heard the Avett Brothers.... even if you have for that matter, check this out.

As an aside, sometimes I find it annoying when a bands find sartorial themes an incumbent component of stardom. My beef I suppose includes facial hair, sunglasses, t-shirts, pants, etc. However, before I became too annoyed with The Avett's for this very reason, the fact that they're brothers occurred to me. Immediately I was reminded of the adorable way my younger brother incessantly "borrows" my jokes, mannerisms, and ideas. So I'll give them a pass. Plus, these guys are fantastic. If there is ever an excuse for slap-you-in-the-face similarities, it's with people who lived in the same uterus. They will actually be the first show Moose and I attend as a married couple. Boston House of Blues in October.

The Avetts' folk influences got me thinking about this next clip I first heard several months ago:

Churches are so often wasted on religious shit, Exhitibit A:

Exhibit B:

Exhibit C:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Seamus. Your little brother borrowing your jokes/mannerisms? don't get me started. (everyone knows you both get your material from your sister caitlin.)