Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Odds and Ends

Rant courtesy of an unwitting contributor, via email:

This is really pissing me off...

Hillary cried and that's why she won.  Seriously, all the articles mention it as a deciding factor for a lot of voters.  She got a bunch of people to vote for her the same way a high school girl gets out of a speeding ticket.  And she also just started talking about the same stuff she always has, but inserted the word change all over the place. Then she surrounded herself with [artificial] young people.  And not just young people, but kids, who can't vote.  What the hell is the point of that?

What's the deal? I thought New Hampshire was cool?

I couldn't agree more... Besides that last part.  I knew New Hampshire wasn't cool.  What we have here is a frustrating process complimented by frustrating people.  My only hope is that people, and by people I mean young people who usually don't show up to the polls in big numbers, are able to cast aside all the frustration and remember how important the upcoming election will be.  But I won't hold my breath.  

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