Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Please bear in mind I'm a Bisco novice and that I am forced by cruel circumstance (no home computer) to write these blogs in about 20 minutes or less. Moreover, after having been once again stuck in traffic and running behind schedule, the power was also out at my apartment upon my arriving home to use the little boys' room. As such, and in addition to having to wipe my ass by the light of my cell phone (a tall task indeed), I had no time to eat anything.....just enough to pound 4 Jack and Ginger's and 3 pints.

I'm ashamed to say I missed them when they took the stage. The entire band was dressed in grimreeper cloaks but I have a feeling there was something more to their actual entrance that I must have missed. The drummer played the first few tunes with the hood on, which had a more interesting visual effect than is likely apparent right now from my description. This was my first dose of him and I must say I like him. He has his own style, is louder than Sammy, but it's not a distraction. And he can seriously ride that goddamn high hat.

The light show was particularly crazy (keep in mind this was my only my 3rd bisco show).....and they had a choir! Anyone who has ever discussed the Biscuits with me knows I'm particularly critical of their I was pretty pumped about the [5 person] choir (as if they'd read my mind and heeded my advice). While they were on stage for a handful of songs, they're most substantial contributions came on Floyd's In the Flesh and the Stones' You Can't Always Get What You Want (where to my surprise the Barber's voice was actually on key).

At least more so than the last show I went to, most of the jamming was heavily techno and more about the interplay between each member of the band than the virtuosity of the Barber. This made for some frenzied dancing and for the perceived spotlight (I say 'perceived' because there were millions of different colored lights doing crazy things at each and every crazy moment) to shine on the band as a whole instead of any one of it's parts.

Shortly after noticing and commenting to Kevy Wevy that the kid who was selectively asking weirdos in the lobby if they had mushrooms would never in a million years ask the two of us, he came and asked me... And I felt cool :( ...Even though I work a 9 to 5 every day, I still seem sketchy enough, at 25, to carry around extra mushrooms! After I said 'no' he turned to Kevy, quickly sized him up and walked away without a word. Granted, the conclusions I've drawn from this exchange are convoluted at best.....but I don't really care.

One last thing I wanted to mention, having just glanced at the setlist; the Barber was particularly understated for Home Again. I didn't like it at first. I was looking for him to go big but this version grew on me and by the song's end, I loved it.

Set I: Triumph> Svenghali1 2, In The Flesh2 3 4> Digital Buddha2, Svenghali1 2> Rock CandySet II: Save The Robots, Reactor> O Fortuna2 5> Reactor, Home Again2, You Can't Always Get What You Want2 6Encore: Little Lai


Anonymous said...

Kevy Wevy is soooo "the man," but the way white college kids say it, the way black people say it. I bet that kid looking for 'shrooms thought Kev-o was a narc. Either that or he saw the log in his pants and got outright scared. Anyway, it bet that kook had the worst night when he realized the biscuits suck if you're not high or Casey Sullivan.

Anonymous said...

You look sketchier than Kevy Wevy??

Anonymous said...

I actually downloaded some bisco last night, I didn't know they sang that song from "The Beach". Sean's definately sketchier looking than the Babies Arm. The Babies Arm looks like he should be at a cookout or something.