Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The Truth Shall Set You Free

So my buddy came to town for Memorial Day weekend.  After we woke up on Sunday, fresh off a Saturday evening drink-a-thon, we decided on the hair of the dog.  Figured it was our only feasible option.  We headed down to one of my favorite bars.  As we arrived I noticed a girl I recognized over in the corner fixing herself a Bloody Mary.  Cracked out of my mind, and therefore lacking any of my trademark inhibitions, I  re-introduced myself.  She invited us to join her and a friend of hers out on the deck. Naturally, we obliged, eagerly following her to the table. 

Eventually, we started feeling a little better.  May have been the sun shining directly over head. Might have been the cute girls that fell out of the sky and into our laps.  Was most likely the rapid succession of cocktails.  We ate lunch, chatted up the ladies, and shared a laugh when our entourage lost one of it's more animated characters who threw in the towel and headed home to barf on himself and catch up on some sleep.  A short 7 hours later, we somehow found ourselves leaving the bar with the ladies in tow.    

We headed back to my place to clean up and check on our fallen hero (my roommate).   To our surprise he had cleaned himself up.  Looked like a million bucks.  Having been drinking in the sun all day, I think it's safe to say the tables had turned.  I can only imagine what we looked like.  

After a futile attempt at making ourselves look respectable, we found ourselves out at another bar dancing to Irish music.  Eventually, I ended up sucking face right at the bar.  Not my style at all.  I'm usually reluctantly celibate.  I couldn't believe how well everything was going.  The stars were all aligned.  It felt too good to be true.  Actually, I think I can safely say it was. Having convinced the girls to come back to my place, I went to the bathroom to take a wee wee. It was there that my historic day came to a tragic end...


Anonymous said...

mackin - you wee wee in your bed.

Anonymous said...

I find it very interesting that I have a large bathroom in my small apartment. Well, at least I am in my best party suit.

Seamus said...

I should have been more clear in reinterpreting your story. You went wee wee and passed out in the urinal of the bar just before leaving.