Wednesday, April 25, 2007

I just bought a bunch of music, namely; Bloc Party, LCD Soundsystem, Explosions in the Sky, Arcade Fire, and Wolf Parade. So I have that to look forward to.

Last week I had something to look forward to. A bunch of friends and I met up in Connecticut for a barbecue, whiffle ball, and Polish horseshoes (great game).

Caught up in the moment that was our first team at-bat, I got overexcited, took my shirt off, and demanded that the rest of my team go "skins" as well. This is something we used to do whenever possible in college. Textbook regression I suppose. Mussolini took a picture. I didn't think much of it at the time....

Until a couple hours later when I happened upon Mussolini and Emily laughing hysterically and looking at the "skins" picture. I grabbed the camera. It was pretty obscene. I'm a tub of shit. I need to make some lifestyle changes. Seriously. Things could be worse though. One of my buddies has boobs. I look bad. He looks awful.

Just the same, it was rude of Mussollini to have a laugh at the expense of my mush body, no?

Speaking of Rudeness......
Yesterday, after work, I went for a bike ride along the Charles River. As I went to pass a dude running in the right hand lane, he spit off to his left. Some of his loogy landed on my chin. Once again, I bore the brunt of a blatant disregard for etiquette.

When you're running on a crowded path with two lanes that operate just like traffic, you spit to the right, not the left. In spitting to the left you run the risk of spitting into oncoming runners and cyclists or, in my situation, a cyclist trying to pass.

Usually, opportunities like this come and go and I find myself lamenting my inaction only hours later having had the time to choreograph what I should have done or said. I'm not sure if it was a heightened awareness brought about by my elevated heart rate or what, but this time I was prepared.

I slowed down, enough so that the runner almost caught up with me, turned around and spit at him. I didn't keep my head turned around long enough to see if I connected. I can only tell you he mumbled something incredulously.

"Eye for an eye!" I sang to myself as I continued on. I'm pretty sure that, in addition to serving as the centerpiece of Hammurabi's code, it's part of a Sepultura song.... Nope, just google'd it. It's Soulfly. Who the hell is Soulfly?

Ok, so I didn't really sing "Eye for an eeeeeyyyeeee!" as I rode away. The rest of this blog is true.....besides the part about me spitting back at that asshole. I Monday morning quarterbacked that part.

(A friend of mine hates when people make statements, add a comma and a "no?" and turn them into questions. It's his birthday on Saturday, no? I'm obsessed with it now. Everyone say Happy Birthday to Eric, no?)


Anonymous said...

You should read Fit For Life. Then you should go see Hot Fuzz.

Seamus said...

Seriously? "Fit for Life" was featured on my gym uniform in 8th grade. What's the book about?

Hot Fuzz is good?