Thursday, June 25, 2009

Oh My God I Know Him!

Remember when someone close to you would have you proofread their papers, and doing so would make you feel ashamed for having ended up at the same college as someone at a second grade reading level with no writing capacity? But you'd use the red pen sparingly in every sense of the word. Or when a friend demanded your full attention while they fumbled through some terrible song they'd written on the guitar? And you told them they sounded pretty good, and that they should start a band.

Yeah, I don't have to do that here. Not that Tim is looking for my approval by any stretch of my hamster wheel sized imagination, but these clips are funny. Hilarious actually.

(Mallen, I need to watch your movie again before I write a review. I've seen it twice, both times on Sundays after a wedding and a bachelor party while my brain dripped out of my ears. It deserves fuller attention. As do you.)


Mallen said...

Thanks dude, it'll be online soon enough. I'm also working on a propaganda film that will be online next week.

Mallen said...

Thanks dude, the website is being built right now. Plus I'm working on a propaganda film from the same material that should be online next week.