Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Chronicles of Nardia

Having seen a picture of myself without a shirt on and officially reaching the 200 lb milestone in the same week, I joined a gym yesterday. My first official workout was today. I arrived at Gold's Gym at twenty after six. After being given my shiny new membership card, I headed towards the locker room like I knew what I was doing; like I had been there before. As I awkwardly attempted to coordinate changing into my workout clothes without any articles of work clothing touching the ground (I'm afraid I am a bit of a germaphobe), I realized that when I passed through the entryway of the locker room, I unwittingly exited the back of the wardrobe and entered Nardia. Everywhere I looked; naked old men sauntered around dragging their balls on the floor between their feet. I did my best to keep my eyes off the floor and on the task at hand.

Before reemerging from Nardia, I got an extra light workout in. And by light, I mean I ran two and a half miles and walked one. Didn't want to overdue it on day one only never to return. And so I got on the treadmill, iPid in hand, earphones in ear. One of the best things about John Zorn's music -and about listening to music on headphones in general- is the potential for a fitting or juxtapositional soundtrack to whatever's going on around you. At the Mountains of Madness. Here, today, frenetic Jewish jazz being played like heavy metal was the soundtrack to a brush with fame. That's right. Fame. As a distinctly Jewish passage gave way to frenzied saxophone blowing, who should appear in the fringes of my peripheral vision, slowly walking directly in front of me? Kendrick Perkins.


Anonymous said...

OC - if you want good workouts go to crossfit.com - they are uber intense and you get an awesome cario workout as well as building muscle.

Anonymous said...

You and Oprah hitting 200lbs.