Thursday, July 02, 2009


Tortoise's new album Beacons of Ancestorship is pretty sick. I plan on reviewing it if I can ever manage to get off my ass. Here's the video, which is VIVID as per their modus operandi, for "Prepare Your Coffin", the album's second track.

I quickly lost interest in Mgmt once I came to realize they'd become the favorite indie band of every yuppy that doesn't really listen to music. Not that this is a valid assessment tactic. I'm slowly coming around now though. Better late than never This video, though scattershot and meaningless as far as I can tell, paradoxically provides context for "Kids".

Everything M.I.A is involved in is still cool.

This one's actually even better.

Tyundai Braxton, of Battles, has a solo album dropping 9/15. I can't wait. Here's the second track off Cenral Market, "Uffe's Woodshop". Oddly enough, this is kind of what I expected.

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