Tuesday, February 06, 2007

An Inconvenient Deciphering of the Truth

Saw An Inconvenient Truth this past weekend. Mr. Gore makes a convincing argument. Scary stuff if it's true.

An opinion column from an "expert."


A blog regarding the afore-linked "expert."


This is just a snapshot of the difficulty I've had reaching a conclusion or final judgement on the subject.

1 comment:

Otis Mackin said...

After reading the two articals and many like it, I continue to be dumbfounded by these experts and their positions. I have not read one today where the author is on the fence. They either say humans are causing Global Warming or we are not.

The first expert name drops instead of detailing his stance that believers of human caused global warming has not been scientifically proven. If it has yet to be proven, then what is his thoughts on the correlation in rising ocean, air and atmosphere temperatures?

The second link to the blog site gives great thought to my point on why this good doctor thinks humans are causing no harm to our world.

Read more good Seamus and please feel free to reference my blog on the subject. Good luck on the research.